Medjugorje... a bed of roses
Adapted from a Medjugorje documentary broadcast by Ireland’s Midwest Radio.
On the night we arrived from Ireland at Dubrovnik airport Peter told me that he had come simply to accompany his wife. His plan? Very simple. Spend a couple of days at the shrine, take a car and drive to Dubrovnik for some sightseeing. But by Thursday Peter was still around and beneath the Blue Cross he had this to say:
“I’m not a very religious person. I wouldn’t go to Mass every Sunday. I wouldn’t do a lot of harm but… and I thought the week was going to be down on your knees, a big sour face, like as if you were after eating eleven or something, but I can honestly say that it was like a bed of roses… petals… absolutely… it’s an amazing place. I’ve been touched. I laughed. I laughed more than I cried. I went to confession after a talk by Fr Benny (the group’s spiritual director) in which he says you must forgive… people that hurt you… to be forgiven… and that had a profound effect upon me. I’m a bit emotional now… I was hurt by people when I was young… and I asked the priest in confession for me to get the grace to forgive those who had hurt me… and my God, I’m five stone lighter. I’ll be back again here. I’m transformed.”