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December 31, 2022

Evangelisers of God’s love

“I am greeting all of the Croatian pilgrims from my heart, and especially those from the parish of St. James of Medjugorje. Your pilgrimage to Rome is part of the preparation for the coming of the Lord. Therefore, in hope, be evangelisers of God’s love in your nation. Praised be Jesus and Mary!”

Pope Benedict XVI, December 1, 2010, greeting Croatian pilgrims in Rome.


December 25, 2022

Medjugorje message, December 2022

Dear children! Today I am carrying my Son Jesus to you, that you may be his peace and a reflection of the clarity and joy of Heaven. Pray, little children, to be open to receive peace because many hearts are closed to the call of the light which changes hearts. I am with you and am praying for you to open yourselves to receive the King of peace, who fills your hearts with warmth and blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.


December 21, 2022

My peace I give you...

Thou shalt know him when he comes

Not by any din or drums

Nor by the vantage of his airs

Nor by anything he wears

Neither by his crown

Nor his gown

For his presence known shall be

by the holy harmony

that his coming makes in thee.



December 9, 2022

A believer...

“I’ve been a believer all my life… Faith gives me strength, I always have a rosary in my pocket and I pray before the match. I thank God for every day, because he gave me strength and faith, but also the opportunity to do something in my life.”


Zlatko Dalić, Coach of Croatia’s national football team.


December 7, 2022

Advent... a time of waiting and prayer

Dear children! This is a time of grace and prayer, a time of waiting and giving. God is giving himself to you that we may love him above everything. Therefore, little children, open your hearts and families, so that this waiting may become prayer and love and, especially, giving. I am with you, little children, and encourage you not to give up from what is good, because the fruits are seen and heard of afar. That is why the enemy is angry and uses everything to lead you away from prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call. (Medjugorje message, November 25, 2018)


November 30, 2022

The hand of the Lord rests on this mountain

On this mountain he will remove the mourning veil covering all peoples, and the shroud enwrapping all nations, he will destroy Death forever. The Lord will wipe away the tears from every cheek; he will take away his people’s shame everywhere on earth, for the Lord has said so. Isaiah 25 : 7-8


November 27, 2022

Feast of the Miraculous Medal

My mother-in-law wasn’t a churchgoer or a Catholic, but late in life she accepted a Miraculous Medal from me. She died in peace on her birthday, November 27, Feast of the Miraculous Medal.


November 25, 2022

Medjugorje message, November 2022

Dear Children! The Most High has sent me to you to teach you prayer. Prayer opens hearts and gives hope, and faith is born and strengthened. Little children, with love I am calling you: return to God, because God is love and your hope. You do not have a future if you do not decide for God; and that is why I am with you to guide you to decide for conversion and life, and not for death. Thank you for having responded to my call.


November 24, 2022

The Medjugorje exchange

This simple but powerful comment was passed on by Fr Slavko Barbaric:


“I know many who have given up drink, drugs, strife and hate. A young Italian pilgrim told me:


‘I used to take drugs but gave them up, as last summer a friend of mine went to Medjugorje with drugs in his hand and returned with the Rosary.’


November 20, 2022

Feast of Christ the King

“So you are a king then?” said Pilate. It is you who say it” answered Jesus. Yes, I am a king. I was born for this, I came into the world for this: to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.”

John 18 : 37


November 19, 2022

From Death to Life

Our pilgrimage goes from death to life: the fullness of life! We are on a journey, on a pilgrimage toward the fullness of life, and that fullness of life is what illumines our journey! Therefore death stands behind us, not before us. Before us is the God of the living (…) Before us stands the final defeat of sin and death, the beginning of a new time of joy and of endless light. But already on this earth, in prayer, in the Sacraments, in fraternity, we encounter Jesus and his love, and thus we may already taste something of the risen life.

Pope Francis, 10 November 2013


November 11, 2022

Armistice Day and St Martin’s Day

Armistice Day, also known as Veterans Day, is commemorated every year on November 11 to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War 1 and German at Compiègne, France, at 5:45am for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War 1, which took effect at eleven in the morning – the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. (Wikipedia)

The feast of St Martin of Tours is celebrated on this day also, and sometimes referred to as Martinmas or St Martin’s Day. The fourth century Roman soldier, who later became a bishop in Gaul, features in Botticelli’s famous Primavera painting. Details at this link.

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November 07, 2022

Face to face

Now we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror, but then we shall be seeing face to face. The knowledge that I have now is imperfect, but then I shall know as fully as I am known.


1 Corinthians 13 : 12


November 07, 2022

“For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophesying is imperfect...” *

This image shows the path that pilgrims generally take to walk up Apparition Hill before branching right to make their way towards Our Lady’s statue. The photo gives the impression it’s an aerial view of Apparition Hill, perhaps taken from a drone camera. But it’s not. It was taken from ground level, and close to the town centre.


* 1 Corinthians 13 : 9


November 03, 2022

Last Christmas for the Queen’s silhouette

A UK Christmas stamp collection featuring the Queen's silhouette has been released by Royal Mail. It will be the last time her late Majesty's silhouette will feature on a festive stamp. The set of six Art Deco-style stamps depict moments from the Nativity including the journey to Bethlehem.


More details at this BBC link


November 03, 2022

Pregate, Pregate, Pregate

Dear children! Today I thank you for your prayers. All of you have helped me so that this war may end as soon as possible. I am close to you and I pray for each one of you and I beg you: pray, pray, pray. Only through prayer can we defeat evil and protect all that Satan wants to destroy in your lives. I am your Mother and I love you all equally, and I intercede for you before God. Thank you for having responded to my call.


Medjugorje message, February 25, 1994


November 02, 2022

Pray daily for souls in Pugatory

Dear children! Today I wish to call you to pray daily for souls in purgatory. For every soul prayer and grace is necessary to reach God and the love of God. By doing this, dear children, you obtain new intercessors who will help you in life to realise that all the earthly things are not important for you, that only Heaven is that for which it is necessary to strive. Therefore, dear children, pray without ceasing that you may be able to help yourselves and the others to whom your prayers will bring joy. Thank you for having responded to my call.


Medjugorje message, November 06, 1986


October 29, 2022

30 years ago to the month

Dear children! I invite you to prayer now when Satan is strong and wishes to make as many souls as possible his own. Pray, dear children, and have more trust in me because I am here in order to help you and to guide you on a new path toward a new life. Therefore, dear little children, listen and live what I tell you because it is important for you when I shall not be with you any longer that you remember my words and all that I told you. I call you to begin to change your life from the beginning and that you decide for conversion not with words but with your life. Thank you for having responded to my call.


Medjugorje message, October 25, 1992


October 29, 2022

“Witness joyfully your faith”

“Everybody who does wrong hates the light and avoids it, for fear his actions should be exposed; but the man who lives by the truth comes out into the light, so that it may be plainly seen that what he does is done in God.” John 3 : 30-31 


Jesus was speaking to the pharisee Nicodemus who came to Jesus under the cover of darkness but later demonstrated his good works and faith when he brought embalming spices and assisted Joseph of Arimathea with the burial of Jesus.

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October 25, 2022

Medjugorje message, October 2022

Dear children! The Most High permits me to be with you, and to be joy for you and the way in hope, because mankind has decided for death. That is why He sent me to keep instructing you that without God you do not have a future. Little children, be instruments of love for all those who have not come to know the God of love. Witness joyfully your faith and do not lose hope in a change of the human heart. I am with you and I am blessing you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.


October 19, 2022

“Reread your life’s story to discover Christ”

Pope Francis continues his catechesis series on discernment at the Wednesday General Audience, and urges each of us to examine the story of our life in order to discover the hidden footsteps of Jesus. Details at this link.


October 10, 2022

Prayers for Creeslough offered at Medjugorje

A powerful moment of prayer was shared for Creeslough at a Mass attended by thousands in Medjugorje this weekend. Details at this link.


October 09, 2022

Ten die in Creeslough explosion

Fr John Joe Duffy, parish priest of St Michael’s church, Creeslough, lights ten red candles in memory of the ten people who lost their lives last Friday in the tragic explosion that occurred in the small Donegal village.

photo: Press Association: 


October 07, 2022

Please pray for Creeslough

On this feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary may I invite you to pray a rosary for the people of Creeslough and all victims of the tragic explosion that occurred in the village this afternoon.


October 07, 2022

Our Lady of the Rosary

Saint Pius V established this feast in 1573. The purpose was to thank God for the victory of Christians over the Turks at Lepanto—a victory attributed to the praying of the rosary. Clement XI extended the feast to the universal Church in 1716.


The development of the rosary has a long history. First a practice developed of praying 150 Our Fathers in imitation of the 150 Psalms. Then there was a parallel practice of praying 150 Hail Marys. Soon a mystery of Jesus’ life was attached to each Hail Mary. Though Mary’s giving of the rosary to Saint Dominic is recognised as a legend, the development of this prayer form owes much to the followers of Saint Dominic. One of them, Alan de la Roche, was known as “the apostle of the rosary”. He founded the first Confraternity of the Rosary in the 15th century. In the 16th century, the rosary was developed to its present form—with the 15 mysteries: joyful, sorrowful and glorious. In 2002, Pope John Paul II added the five Mysteries of Light to this devotion.

source: Franciscan Media


October 05, 2022

Zlatko Dalic makes pilgrimage before World Cup

Croatia’s national football team coach Zlatko Dalic recently completed a 120-kilometre pilgrimage to Medjugorje ahead of the upcoming World Cup in Qatar next month. The 55-year-old coach walked from his hometown of Livno in Bosnia along with three friends.

Along with a photo of himself praying in front of a statute of the Virgin Mary, Dalic posted a message on his Instagram account after completing his pilgrimage: “Three days – 120 kilometres. Thank you Mother of God for all the blessings! In you, Lord, I trust!.” 


“I’ve been a believer all my life… Faith gives me strength, I always have a rosary in my pocket and I pray before the match. I thank God for every day, because he gave me strength and faith, but also the opportunity to do something in my life,” he told a Catholic weekly Glas Koncila in 2017.


October 01, 2022

October is the month of the Holy Rosary

Dear children! Today, like never before, I invite you to prayer. Let your prayer be a prayer for peace. Satan is strong and desires to destroy not only human life, but also nature and the planet on which you live. Therefore, dear children, pray that through prayer you can protect yourselves with God’s blessing of peace. God has sent me among you so that I may help you. If you so wish, grasp for the rosary. Even the rosary alone can work miracles in the world and in your lives. I bless you and I remain with you for as long as it is God's will. Thank you for not betraying my presence here and I thank you because your response is serving the good and the peace. Medjugorje message, January 25, 1991


September 25, 2022

Medjugorje message, September 2022

Dear children! Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you that you be joyful seekers of God and witnesses of love without bounds. I am with you, little children, and, anew, I am calling all of you: take courage and bear witness to the good works that God is doing in and through you. Be joyful in God. Do good to your neighbour so that it will be good for you on earth and pray for peace, which is threatened because Satan wants war and peacelessness. Thank you for having responded to my call.


September 15, 2022

Seven Sorrows of Mary

Today we commemorate the Seven Sorrows of Mary. These are the prophecy of Simeon; the flight into Egypt; the loss of the Christ child for three days; the meeting on the way to Calvary; Mary’s stance beneath the Cross; the reception of the Crucified Christ into her arms; and Mary’s accompanying of the Body to its burial.


September 14, 2022

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The cross is today the universal image of Christian belief. Countless generations of artists have turned it into a thing of beauty to be carried in procession or worn as jewelry. To the eyes of the first Christians, it had no beauty. It stood outside too many city walls, decorated only with decaying corpses, as a threat to anyone who defied Rome’s authority — including Christians who refused sacrifice to Roman gods. Although believers spoke of the cross as the instrument of salvation, it seldom appeared in Christian art unless disguised as an anchor or the Chi-Rho until after Constantine’s edict of toleration. 

source: Franciscan Media


September 12, 2022

Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary began in Spain in 1513 and in 1671 was extended to all of Spain and the Kingdom of Naples. In 1683, John Sobieski, king of Poland, brought an army to the outskirts of Vienna to stop the advance of Muslim armies loyal to Mohammed IV of Constantinople. After Sobieski entrusted himself to the Blessed Virgin Mary, he and his soldiers thoroughly defeated the Muslims. Pope Innocent XI extended this feast to the entire Church. source: Franciscan Media


September 08, 2022

The Queen has died, long live the King!

Queen Elizabeth II, the UK's longest-serving monarch, has died at Balmoral aged 96, after reigning for 70 years.


With her death, her eldest son Charles, the former Prince of Wales, will lead the country in mourning as the new King and head of state for 14 Commonwealth realms.


source BBC


September 08, 2022

Twenty-one years ago...

The statue of Our Lady on Apparition Hill was placed on this day, 2001, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions in Bijakovići and Medjugorje. It statue was carried and installed by the residents of Bijaković, and it was donated by pilgrims from Korea. More details at this link.


September 08, 2022

Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided.


Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.


September 05, 2022

Busy weekend for rescue teams

Members of the mountain rescue services in BiH were involved in three different rescue operations at Medjugorje last weekend involving pilgrims from Ireland, Slovakia and Ukraine. A 53-year-old Irish citizen was found unconscious on Križevac. Ten rescuers participated in the rescue, and with the help of their colleagues from Čapljina and Ljubuški, successfully treated and transported the injured woman, who was handed over to the Čitluk emergency medical service for further care. Female citizens from Ukraine and Slovakia were also rescued in two different actions on Apparition Hill. The person from Slovakia had sustained an ankle injury. After being immobilised, she was transported to the foothills where she received medical help in Čitluk. source:


August 25, 2022

Medjugorje message, August 2022

Dear children! God permits me to be with you and to lead you  on the way of peace, so that through personal peace,  you build peace in the world. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus, that he may give you a strong faith and hope in a better future, which I desire to build up with you. You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.


August 23, 2022

Feast of St Rose of Lima

Rose of Lima (born Isabel Flores de Oliva; 20 April 1586 – 24 August 1617) was a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic in Lima, Peru, who became known for both her life of severe penance and her care of the poverty stricken of the city through her own private efforts. Rose of Lima was born to a noble family and is the patron saint of embroidery, gardening and cultivation of blooming flowers. A lay member of the Dominican Order, she was declared a saint by the Catholic Church, being the first person born in the Americas to be canonised as such.


source: Wikipedia


August 22, 2022

The Queenship of Mary

Pope Pius XII established this feast in 1954, but the Blessed Virgin Mary’s queenship has roots in Scripture. At the Annunciation, Gabriel announced that Mary’s Son would receive the throne of David and rule forever. At the Visitation, Elizabeth calls Mary “mother of my Lord.” As in all the mysteries of Mary’s life, she is closely associated with Jesus: Her queenship is a share in Jesus’ kingship. We can also recall that in the Old Testament the mother of the king has great influence in court.


In the fourth century Saint Ephrem called Mary “Lady” and “Queen.” Later, Church fathers and doctors continued to use the title. Hymns of the 11th to 13th centuries address Mary as queen: “Hail, Holy Queen,” “Hail, Queen of Heaven,” “Queen of Heaven.” The Dominican rosary and the Franciscan crown as well as numerous invocations in Mary’s litany celebrate her queenship.


The feast is a logical follow-up to the Assumption, and is now celebrated on the octave day of that feast. In his 1954 encyclical To the Queen of Heaven, Pius XII points out that Mary deserves the title because she is Mother of God, because she is closely associated as the New Eve with Jesus’ redemptive work, because of her preeminent perfection, and because of her intercessory power.




August 21, 2022

The Narrow Door

Through towns and villages Jesus went teaching, making his way to Jerusalem. Someone said to him, “Sir, will there be only a few saved?” He said to them, “Try your best to enter by the narrow door, because I tell you, many will try to enter and will not succeed.”

Luke 13 : 22-24


August 17, 2022

Our Lady of the Waters and the Wye

It was not the most elegant start to the day. The sculpture was trundled down to the Herefordshire riverbank on a sack truck borrowed from a builder before being bolted and strapped to a makeshift catamaran constructed out of two canoes.


But after that, it was much more graceful and serene as the peculiar vessel was pushed off into the current, and craft and carving, Our Lady of the Waters and the Wye, began to meander downstream.


The idea of the project, conceived by the artist Philip Chatfield and Father Richard Williams, the parish priest of St Mary’s church in the Welsh town of Hay-on-Wye, is to raise awareness about the plight of the Wye, one of the most beautiful rivers in the west of Britain but suffering ”heartbreaking” amounts of pollution from industrial chicken factories along its banks.


• Full story at


August 15, 2022

Feast of the Assumption

“Mary shows us that Heaven is within reach, if we too do not give in to sin, if we praise God in humility and serve others generously. She, our Mother, takes us by the hand, she accompanies us to glory, she invites us to rejoice as we think of heaven.”


Pope Francis, Feast of the Assumption, 2022


August 13, 2022

Blessing the ‘Chapel of Life’

On the foundations of the old parish church in Medjugorje there is a votive chapel built in 1931, in thanksgiving for protection from storms. For a long time, the chapel served as an outdoor altar where Holy Mass was celebrated due to the danger of the parish church being demolished. On the initiative of Msgr Alda Cavallio, apostolic visitor with a special role for the parish of Medjugorje, and former pastor Fr Marinko Šakota, the vow chapel was renamed the Chapel of Life, where there is a statue of Our Lady, Queen of Peace with the child Jesus in her arms.


Source: Radio Station Mir Medjugorje. Photo: Mateo Ivanković


August 06, 2022

Fatalities in pilgrimage bus accident to Medjugorje

Twelve people have been killed after a bus carrying Polish pilgrims to Medjugorje veered off a road in Croatia this morning. All 31 surviving passengers are injured, with some fighting for their lives in hospital.


The pilgrimage, organised by the Brotherhood of St Joseph Catholic group, included three priests and six nuns. The passengers were all Polish adults.  source BBC News


August 02, 2022

Local bishop to participate in Mladifest 2022

For the first time in the 33-year history of the Medjugorje International Youth Festival, the local bishop will participate in the event. Msgr Petar Palić, bishop of Mostar-Duvno and apostolic administrator of Trebinje-Mrkan, is to preside over the Eucharistic celebration on Thursday at the outside altar of Medjugorje’s parish church of St James the Apostle.


August 02, 2022

Pope sends message to youth at Mladifest 2022

Pope Francis has sent a message to the young people read out by Archbishop Aldo Cavalli, the Apostolic Visitor for the Parish of Medjugorje. Recalling the theme for this year’s celebrations, “Learn from me and you will find peace” (Mt 11: 28-30), the Pope said Jesus addresses these words to all people who are weary and oppressed as He understands how tough life can be with its wounds, burdens, injustices, and worries we carry in our hearts.


• Full text at this link.


July 30, 2022

Spanish Cardinal will attend Mladifest 2022

The Archbishop of Barcelona, Cardinal Juan José Omella, will attend this year’s International Youth Festival at Medjugorje. He will be the main celebrant at the opening Mass when the festival begins on August 1st. About 100 young people from the Archbishop’s diocese will also be in attendance.


July 25, 2022

Medjugorje message, July 2022

Dear children! I am with you to lead you on the way of conversion, because, little children, with your lives you can draw many souls closer to my Son. You be joyful witnesses of God’s word and love, and with hope in the heart which conquers every evil. Forgive those who inflict evil on you, and go on the way of holiness. I am leading you to my Son, for him to be the way, the truth and the life for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.


July 18, 2022

Vatican ban on German lay association

Last week the Vatican backed the decision made in 2021 by Bishop Felix Genn of Münster to dissolve a lay association in his diocese, whose foundations are tied to the Marian apparitions in Medjugorje, and which was charged with alleged spiritual abuse.

Recognised in 2004 by the German Diocese of Münster as a private association of believers under diocesan law, the “Totus Tuus New Evangelization” group has roots going back to the 1980s. Full report at this link.


July 16, 2022

Feast Our Lady of Carmel

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Carmel. The  Italian Renaissance artist, Sandro Botticelli, referred to Our Lady of Carmel in several of his paintings. This detail from his painting known as the Madonna and Child with the Infant St John the Baptist is one example. It’s exhibited at the Barber Institute on the campus of the University of Birmingham, England.


July 16, 2022

Temperature forecast to rise at Medjugorje

In light of the extreme weather conditions present in Europe at this time, here’s the temperature forecast for Medjugorje until the end of the month. Details provided by


July 11, 2022

New appointments at Medjugorje

Fr Marinko Šakota is no longer the pastor of the parish of St James the Apostle at Medjugorje. The new pastor, who was already serving at Medjugorje as a parish vicar, is Zvonimir Pavičić. A new arrival at Medjugorje to serve as a parish vicar is Ivan Hrkać. He replaces Mladen Herceg who has moved to the parish of St Anthony of Padua at Humac. Rental Galić has also moved on from Medjugorje.


Other priests who served at Medjugorje in past years have also been transferred. Fr Svetozar Kraljević is now parish vicar at SS Peter and Paul in Mostar and replaces Fr Danko Perutina who is made pastor at the same parish.


Fr Petar Ljubičić who served as parish vicar in Vitina has been appointed to the same post at Humac.


July 05, 2022

Romanian orphans visit Medjugorje

In recent days, the project “Give Hope” took place in Medjugorje. It was the sixth occasion people from Medjugorje and Romania had opened their hearts, together with the project manager Luciano Omani who provided money for orphans from Romania to go on a free pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Parishioners from Medjugorje provided free food for the children and took care of accommodation.


This year, 41 children came to mark the 41st year of Our Lady’s apparitions. The children spent the past six days in prayer and fellowship, participating in the evening prayer programme, praying on Apparition Hill and Križevac. They also had spiritual renewal in the Franciscan Monastery of the Assumption of Mary on the island of Badija near Korčula.


On the last day of their pilgrimage, parish priest Fr Marinko Šakota, spoke words of encouragement to the chldren. He emphasised that despite the cross they have in their lives, they should not forget that they have a Mother who loves and accepts them as her own children. 


Source: Mateo Ivanković / Radio station Mir Međugorje


July 01, 2022

Feast of the Most Precious Blood

O God, who by the Precious Blood of your Only Begotten Son have redeemed the whole world, preserve in us the work of your mercy, so that ever honouring the mystery of our salvation, we may merit to obtain its fruits.

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