In her newsletter from Medjugorje (May 2019), Sr Emmanuel reports some surprising news:
“Now, as is the case for all websites associated with Medjugorje, we will no longer be able to publish the link to Mirjana's apparition, because this has been requested by the authorities. We will however provide a simple photo of Mirjana. Obedience is always blessed!”
This directive may stem from the Vatican’s recent announcement on papal authorisation for “official” pilgrimages to Medjugorje, which also stated “must be accompanied by care to prevent these pilgrimages from being interpreted as an authentication of known events, which still require examination by the Church.”
Does the Vatican see the filming and dissemination of Mirjana’s apparition as a vehicle that could be interpreted as “authentication of known events” – or is there another reason for the curtailment? Seemingly, Sr Emmanuel will continue to publish the message presented by Mirjana on the second day of each month, although the parish website has never done so.
Mirjana has struggled in recent months to make the ascent to the Blue Cross at the base of Podbrdo where she receives the apparition. Her discomfort with a back problem is very apparent and perhaps this, coupled with the news of the restriction placed on websites linking to the apparition event, may in future impel Mirjana to receive the apparition in the comfort of her own home nearby, as the other seers do.
• First pubished May 20, 2019
UPDATE: On March 18, 2020, Our Lady announced to the seer Mirjana that she would no longer receive apparitions on the second day of each month. No reason has been made public.